Black gay twitter porn

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In part because he started a new account, Jake Bass slips down a bit, with 36,884, but he gains followers by the hundreds each day.Īnd after just one year in the industry, Boomer Banks already has an impressive 34,000 followers. Levi Karter is the CockyBoy with the most followers these days, and he’s at 43,474. And, interestingly, a lot of the younger stars who you’d expect to have big followings because they’re on Twitter so much actually don’t, relatively, because their careers haven’t been long enough probably. Last year’s list also left off a few longtime porn stars like Damien Crosse and Francesco D’Macho, who both have significant followings, as well as retired porn star Aiden Shaw, who actually has the most of anyone thanks in part to his crossover fame as a regular model, memoirist, and musician.Īnd due to some reshuffling, and the booming popularity of stars like Jimmy Durano and Landon Conrad, former Top 10 members Rafael Alencar, Pierre Fitch, and Austin Wilde have all dropped down the list.

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Since the last time The Sword looked into the gay porn star Twitter-verse a year ago, a lot has changed! Some models have retired and killed off their Twitter accounts, and a lot of the people who made our Top 50 last year have better than doubled their followers in these last 13 months.

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